
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

salutations 2009

I am very excited for the upcoming new year! The new year means a lot of things!
It means.....
I graduate in August (hopefully!)
I have to find a real big girl job (that part i'm not excited about... can't i just work at the rec center forever? I've already been there 6 years!)
Troy and I will be sealed in the temple this summer
I get to start my 2nd ever internship
Troy goes to the U!

There are other things too! These are just the biggest ones I can think of. And I'm sure next year will bring some surprises too!
Although I don't really like life surprises.
Those always throw me off kilter for awhile and then you have to re-evaluate.

OH. and I almost forgot 2010 means...
ah. my life is good.

The end of 2009 means........................................

No more clase de espanol.
the end of brutality to my car. Poor car went through a lot this got keyed, rear ended, and troy ran it into a rock.
no language of color class.
no more junior jazz for troy!

2009 was pretty good though.
I learned a lot about myself (strengths and weaknesses)
I grew up a lot.
bettered myself
I got married.
Had a great honeymoon.
Spent an awesome summer with my love.
discovered my love of fly fishing.
had a fantastic christmas.
Troy and I get to spend our first ever New Years Eve together! Troy ditched me for the Sugar Bowl last year...
Pretty much Troy made my 2009.

See ya later '09
Welcome '10

In honor of the new year and the upcoming concert, I will sign off with a quote from Brand New...

Consider this a letter that I never sent
However inconsiderate it seems
Do you still consider me,
consider me the boy you laughed with
or that you learned to live without?... I suck,
I know I'm late,
I know you waited
--"Logan to Government Center," Brand New

random I know. I just picked a random song and the 1st verse.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know when you are planning on getting sealed. I want to know more. And yeah for 2010 and graduating!
