
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hair Today....

I need a change. My hair is driving me nuts. It has reached hippie status. It's to my waist and the ends definitely need a trim. My long hair is becoming a burden. It's constantly getting in my way and in my food. Gross. I know if I cut it I will be sad because it's looong and taken me awhile to get this looong. But I need CHANGE people! CHANGE!! So What should I do?....

I know this isn't the most flattering picture of me. However, I entered a contest to win a makeover and I needed a picture where I didn't look fabulous but not so hideous that I didn't show potential... I feel like this picture says both? Maybe? Or maybe it just says "scary". You choose.

Maybe I should keep my hair long but put more layers and add some bangs like this....

Or perhaps this medium length....

or maybe I can get some serious guts and just chop it all off...

Tell me what I should do. one, two, three.... GO!


  1. I really like the medium length, personally--it would still allow you to style it more quickly than a longer hairdo, but it's not so short that you would have to go through that stage where you think "I-just-wish-I-had-long-hair-already."

    Plus you can wear it in a ponytail.

    A win-win all around :)

  2. i agree...medium. but longer-medium. and add some layers. i think that'll be enough change without chopping too much off and having hair chopping regret. capiche?
